Frequently Asked Questions


Wood wick candles may initially seem intimidating, but they function similarly to standard candles. Here are responses to frequently asked questions to ease any concerns and make burning a wood wick candle a more comfortable experience.

Are wood wick candles safe?

Indeed, wood wicks are crafted from natural wood resources, making them a safer alternative to traditional cotton wicks, which can sometimes be treated with potentially harmful chemicals.

What are the benefits of wood wick candles?

Wood wicks offer a soothing crackling sound reminiscent of a gentle fireplace, creating a cozy ambiance. Additionally, they enhance the fragrance experience, providing a robust scent throw without becoming overwhelming.

Black smoke is coming out of my candle, what do I do?

It's important to note that all candles, not just wood wick candles, can produce black smoke if burned for an extended period. To prevent this, simply trim the wick to 1/8 inch before each use. Regular wick trimming not only promotes a cleaner burn but also contributes to the candle's environmental safety and longevity.

Are there any restrictions on burning wood wick candles?

The guidance from the National Candle Association recommends that candles should not be burned for more than 4 hours in a single session. It's also advisable to extinguish the candle when there is only half an inch of wax remaining. Always ensure the candle is never left unattended, and keep it out of reach of children and pets for safety.

How do I light a wood wick candle?

Simply light the candle from edge and watch it catch. 

Accidentally cut the wood wick too short and now it won’t light, what do I do?

No need to fret; this is a common occurrence! If your candle burns for a brief duration, just use a napkin to absorb the excess melted wax, and it should return to its normal burn. In case your candle doesn't light at all, try scraping away some of the excess wax around the wood wick and attempt to light it again. The wax serves as the fuel for the wick, and having too much fuel can hinder the candle from igniting.

Where can I get the best wood wick candle?

Tenshi Beauté® combines wood wicks with coconut soy wax to craft a top-tier luxury candle. Their offerings are free from toxins, parabens, and phthalates, and are sourced from renewable materials. Extensive testing guarantees a well-controlled and proper burn.

Why isn’t the candle wick staying lit?

From time to time, the wick may become clogged with wax and fragrance. Here's a helpful tip: extinguish the flame, let the candle cool, trim the wick's tip, and gently twist the wick with your fingers to loosen its fibers. This will enhance the wick's ability to efficiently absorb both fragrance and wax.

Why is the candle tunneling with build-ups?

Tunneling in a candle is often the result of insufficient burning time for the wax to create an even pool from edge to edge. To remedy this, if you notice tunneling, try burning the candle for 3-4 hours to enable it to self-correct. Continue burning in 3-4 hour intervals until the candle has fully rectified the tunneling issue.

Why Isn’t the candle releasing a strong fragrance scent?

The perception of fragrance is a matter of personal preference, and the intensity of scents can vary. Consider relocating the candle to a different spot. A general guideline is to use single-wick candles in smaller rooms, opt for double-wick candles in medium-sized spaces, and go for triple-wick candles in larger rooms to achieve the desired fragrance level.

Why is the candle release soot?

Soot is a common byproduct of burning candles naturally. When your candle consistently produces soot, it may be due to factors such as an accumulation of carbon on the wicks, neglecting to trim the wicks, overextending the burn time, or placing the candle in an area where it's exposed to drafts from vents. To reduce excessive soot, consider trimming the wicks to 1/8 inches, relocating your candle, or extinguishing it after it has been burning for more than 3-4 hours.


If you are pregnant or have a medical condition, please consult with a healthcare professional before using this product. Ensure that this product is kept out of the reach of children. As a standard practice with all products, it's advisable for users to perform a patch test with a small amount prior to extended regular use. Please be aware that oils and ingredients within this product can be flammable, so exercise caution when exposing them to heat, especially when laundering linens that have come into contact with the product and are then subjected to the heat of a dryer. This product may contain substances, like estragole, that are recognized by the State of California as potentially causing cancer. For further information, please visit or our Proposition 65 page.